Tale of a First In A Guides’ Lifetime Catch
Fishing with Jeff – 2020 a year to be remembered
Jeff Lueng arrived on my dock for his first time visit to Kyuquot Beach House. Up to the Beach House and back in 10 minutes…..met Peter our chef and had a quick look at our place and the ambiance we present. Announced to his friends that this is a “perfect” spot.
Jeff later gave me the run down on the BC lodges he has visited over the years. To say the least I was honored by his kind words about us based on his extensive knowledge of the BC coast.
Now, I got to get the skinny on my new guest.
Jeff, a Vancouver businessman, sideswiped by Covid was starting a tackle company. I was wondering why his bag was so so heavy but when he displayed the contents of the “bag” I understood. Inside, a ton of beautiful hand made jigs and spoons.
Jeff is one of those keen anglers that oozes enthusiasm.
Jigging is his main love and he landed in the right boat with me, as I too, love to jig.
Killer spots, tons of action all shallow water. Jeff was in heaven. The blue job was unstoppable.
But fumble fingers, dropped the rod….striking a fish. Jeff felt horrible offering to pay etc. etc. Asked if it ever happens…..let me think…..NO. Jeff with his heart in his boots from having lost my sweet light jigger was still quite enthusiastic to fish and fish we did.
Without access to my GPS 9 (slug line) Jeff and his fishing partner Norm were totally unaware that I was guiding for target the rod, NOT more bottom fish. 3 swings over THE SPOT and not Norm nor myself but Jeff hooked his rod.
What a surprise for Jeff,,,,he was so pleased not only does his lure catch fish ….it catches rods too! I was a little disappointed that it took so many tries.
Check out Westcoast Fishing Tackle Ltd. www.westcoastfishingtackle.ca