Area 26/126 Fishing Regulations Update – Late April 2021

Fishing out of Kyuquot takes place in two fishery management areas, 26 and 126. Area 26 is defined as inside the surfline (Spring Island, Rugged Point, Thornton Islets a.k.a. “Highest”) and Area 126 is outside the surfline (Kyuquot Reef and the 50 Fathom Line).


As in 2019 and 2020 during the spring and early summer period chinook retention at 2/angler/day is allowed along and inside the surfline, extending to 1 mile outside Lookout Island; retention outside the surfline will begin July 15th. The Sport Fishing Advisory Board has proposed a suite of limited chinook retention proposals around southern BC waters during the spring and early summer period where chinook non-retention is currently in effect. For Area 126 the proposal is to allow retention of 2 adipose fin-clipped chinook/angler /day between April 1 and July 14th. Past studies have shown that the so called “mark rate” (percentage of adipose fin-clipped fish) to average about 50% so the chances of hooking a fish legal for retention are high. We are currently waiting for DFO to make a decision on whether to allow any of these proposals.


It is expected that the regulations for coho will be the same as for the past few years, 2/angler/day starting June 1st. In Area 26 the fish can be either adipose fin-clipped (i.e. hatchery origin) or wild coho, however in Area 126 only adipose-fin-clipped coho can be retained.


Retention opportunities for halibut are more generous than in recent years. As in 2020 the hybrid possession limit will be in effect, meaning that anglers can keep two halibut of less than 90cm (20 pounder) in length or one larger. There are three important improvements for 2021.
1 – The maximum size limit for the larger fish has increased from 126 cm to 133 cm (70 pounds approximately).
2 –  Anglers can keep both fish under 90cm in the same day rather than on separate days as in previous years.
3 –  The annual limit has been increased from 6 to 10 halibut per year.


The daily limit has increased from 2 back to 3/angler/day, possession limit of 6.


No change from recent years, 3 rockfish/angler/day, possession limit of 6; non-retention of Yelloweye rockfish a.k.a. “red snapper”.