Fish Overboard At Dock
Vancouver Island’s West Coast


How incredible is my daughter !

I had a great fish with team Gill/Monroe in late August. We worked through our species catch with precision. A limit of everything we attempted to catch. Newby Craig was impressed by his fisherwife Maureen and father-in law Stephen. It was a beautiful fall day – everthing was perfect –  A Day for the memory banks!

Upon landing at KBH, the last fish out of the boat was a nice under halibut…… but NOT onto the dock…..
In my guiding career I have never dropped a fish overboard at the dock and so when this happened I let fly with a very loud (the whole bay heard) F*** BOMB.

Never in my wildest nightmare would I dream that could happen.

I had 31 fish to clean, so I got to the table to prep the fish for the processing plant.

Hearing the commotion, in a flash, my youngest daughter Ava was on the dock …. In her swim suit !!! What happened Dad ? ….tales of woe…. Neighbouring guide Jago also heard the commotion and promptly arrived with a Hawaiian sling (spear gun). Then into the murky cold waters of Walters Cove Ava dove for the halibut. Walter got caught up in the excitement as well. Ava nailed it on the 2nd attempt.

Knives, cannon balls, tools have been dropped off the dock – but I have never though of doing what Ava did. And Ava did it in a heartbeat.

Events like this are so much more memorable than another fish swinging on the scale.